We see them in the news: natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, fires, floods and lightning strikes. We also see man-made disasters like terrorism, violence, sabotage, viruses and ransomware. All of these things add up to one thing for a business owner…DOWNTIME.
Downtime is expensive, very expensive. For small businesses, the lost productivity caused by a small amount of downtime can cost thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars an hour.
Worse than downtime is data loss. Sixty percent of businesses that lose their data will be closed within six months. The rest will struggle on, some closing doors later, some downsizing and the rest struggling to regain the stability and momentum that they once had.
So, what do you do when your servers or high priority workstations fail? How do you get your business back in action fast?
Our cloud backup solutions, the largest being MAX Backup. allow us to back up files and folders that you deem to be important to the productivity of your business from each desktop, laptop or server in your IT inventory. When equipment fails (or files are accidentally deleted or overwritten), the data can be recovered from any point you choose within the last 30 days.
Click HERE to learn more about our cloud backup solution, it’s features and for pricing.
For critical machines requiring higher levels of uptime, such as servers, Elementum Solutions has partnered with DATTO, the world’s leading provider of MSP-delivered IT solutions to provide full featured and completely imaged business continuity solutions.
Click HERE to learn more about DATTO
Beyond the backups, imaging and virtualization capabilities of our tools, if you own or manage a high demand business, you need a disaster recovery plan. At Elementum Solutions, we've dealt with water and wind damage, lightning strikes and devastating fires. A common theme throughout is that, although the customer realized that it could happen to them, they never thought it actually would.
After the disaster, the emotions of numbness, stress, anger and hopelessness are the first to take hold. The feeling of seeing all of your efforts destroyed in front of you are enough to make any owner or manager weak.
Whether you have a plan or not, the team at Elementum Solutions is here to help. However, those who prepare, survive and thrive. Click HERE to learn about how Elementum Solutions can prepare you throught Disaster Recovery Planning.