What is a CIO? 

A CIO, or Chief Information Officer is the senior-most company officer in charge of technology strategy for an organization.  Their job is to provide a connection between upper management, company employees and IT technicians.  A CIO must make sure that their company is getting a good ROI (Return On Investment) for their IT expenditures.  A CIO needs to understand company goals, anticipate current and future needs of the company and develop a technology strategy based on his or her understanding of these variables.

While a CIO is a great asset to any company, the cost of hiring another employee of that caliber may be out of reach to many small and medium businesses.  That’s where we come in.  Let Elementum Solutions function as your vCIO (or Virtual Chief Information Officer).

We will pull together the combined experience of the team to develop strategies to ensure that:

  • Complete solutions are developed with an understanding the needs and goals of your business
  • Products that are purchased are sound investments that will give your company the best production for the money spent and avoid redundant or wasteful spending.
  • Future growth and changes in the direction of the business are allowed for.

Lean on the combined knowledge of the Elementum Solutions team.  Our first consultation is free of charge.  We just want to get to know you, your company, your goals and the challenges that you company are facing without you having to worry about paying a cent.  We are confident that, once you meet us, you will see the value that our team can bring to yours.